WETT Inspection

Green Probe Inspections is WETT-certified to inspect wood-burning fireplaces in and around Regina, Saskatchewan, and surrounding areas.

Are you looking for reliable and certified WETT inspections in Regina, Saskatchewan? Look no further than Green Probe Inspections! With our WETT certification, we specialize in ensuring the safety and compliance of wood-burning appliances, including stoves and fireplaces.


In Saskatchewan, WETT certification pertains to the inspection and verification of wood-burning appliances, such as stoves and fireplaces, for compliance with safety and environmental standards. WETT stands for Wood Energy Technology Transfer, and obtaining WETT certification involves specialized training and testing.

Here’s an overview of WETT certification in the inspection industry in Saskatchewan:

Purpose: The primary purpose of WETT certification is to ensure that wood-burning appliances are installed, maintained, and used safely and efficiently. This certification is important for homeowners and professionals involved in installing and inspecting wood-burning systems.

Regulatory Compliance: In Saskatchewan, adherence to WETT standards is required by building codes or insurance companies for the installation and insurance coverage of wood-burning appliances. Therefore, homeowners often seek WETT-certified inspectors to verify compliance with these standards.

Industry Recognition: WETT certification is widely recognized and respected within the inspection industry. Homeowners, insurance companies, and regulatory authorities often prefer to work with certified professionals due to their expertise and credibility in assessing wood-burning systems’ safety and efficiency.

In summary, WETT certification plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe installation and operation of wood-burning appliances in Saskatchewan. It provides homeowners with confidence in the safety and efficiency of their heating systems while also serving as a standard of professionalism for inspectors and technicians in the industry.